There are numerous advantages of living close to the city. Not just will you save on commuting time but also to be closer to work and the shopping malls. You will not have to travel for long distances as well as struggle through the traffic jams. Your entire family can easily be together when you live close by. But there are certain disadvantages as well. Some of these disadvantages are listed below.
The main disadvantage of living close to the city is that it will sometimes mean that you have less space to yourselves. If you do not have a big backyard or an extra room, then you are out of luck. Living next door to another house might be fine for you but for those who have a larger house, having to squeeze in other people’s things means a little inconvenience. If you do not mind living next to others, then you should try a different home.
It is obvious that being next to another person means that you will be sharing your environment. This is one disadvantage of living close to the city. In some cases, your neighbors might treat you different depending on how close they live to you. If this is the case with you, then it would be a good idea to look for a different location. You might not want to live next door to the neighbors of someone who has a distinct ethnic background and culture.
Another disadvantage of living close to the city is that you will miss out on the natural beauty of the surroundings. The mountains and forests of the country will be a stark contrast to the skyscrapers and concrete jungle of the city. Nature is beautiful and there is a lot more to the countryside than the concrete jungle. But this does not mean that you should miss out on the benefits of the city. Some of these advantages include:
It is obvious that the advantages and disadvantages of living in both areas have to be weighed carefully. If you live in the city or near the country, what you should look out for is whether or not the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Of course, the disadvantages can never be ignored, but this should be used as a motivator for you to get off the bus and go back to the country. You can always come back to the city once you graduate.
There are many advantages of living in the city and only a few disadvantages. So it is up to you to decide which ones outweigh the disadvantages. In most cases, people who choose to live close to the country overlook such disadvantages. But you must carefully consider the pros and cons of each scenario.
The advantages of living close to the city are mainly that it offers cheaper accommodation rates. You also have access to hospitals and schools. You also have various recreational facilities like beaches, parks, restaurants, etc. If you work in a prominent business center or belong to a well-established company, chances are you will find these advantages useful.
The disadvantages of living close to the city are mainly the limited amount of land available. You may also face difficulty in reaching your office from home. You may also face difficulty in commuting to the hospital and stores. There may also be problems related to public transport. On the other hand, you will have plenty of amenities and beautiful landscapes within easy reach of your home. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the advantages of living close to the city, then you must seriously consider moving.